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Indie author. romantasy.

fated mates.

another world romance.

Realistic Flower
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About the author

Throughout my life, I have had a passion for storytelling, but struggled to bring my ideas to fruition.

In 2023, I took a bold step and finally realized my dream by completing my first novel,

Shattered Crystal. This achievement has opened up a new chapter in my life and I am eager to see

where it will lead.

In addition to my writing pursuits, I am also a hair stylist and a proud mother to a beautiful daughter.

My husband and daughter have been my unwavering support system, encouraging me to pursue my

passions and dreams. Without their love and support, this book would not have been possible.

I am grateful for your interest in my work and I hope you will continue to follow my journey as a writer.

I look forward to sharing my future works with you.